Most of them also allow you to apply for your loan online so you don't even have to go out to pick up your money. You can just have it deposited straight into your bank account, which is really much more convenient, especially if you're busy, not feeling well, or without a car at the moment. You can usually borrow an amount of money based on how much money you make in your paycheck. There are minimum requirements for your income, but these are set low and are usually around poverty level. Other requirements include your age and how long you've been on your job. If you're between jobs or if you're self-employed, getting a payday loan can be nearly impossible, but there are other types of cash advances you can get, such as those that use your car title or your income tax return as collateral. Payday loans, however, are by far much more popular than either one of the other types of cash loans.
Car title loans are banned in many places and those states that do allow them have very strict requirements for their operation. Tax refund loans are popular, but only right around tax time. At other times of the year they are generally not thought of by most people and not offered by companies because of the uncertain nature of how much you'll actually be getting back. Despite all of this, there are many companies in all of these niches that do not check your references and aren't concerned about it. As long as you meet their income, length of time on job, and age requirements, you don't need to do anything else to get your money. Often, you can get that money the same day, and certainly within forty-eight hours, so you don't have to wait until payday.

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