Sure, there are some payday loan companies that will check your credit. It's best to avoid them and ensure that you go somewhere else for your loan. If you think that a company might check your credit, just ask them. It saves time for you and for the company, and you'll know whether you want to take the time to fill out the paperwork or whether it would be better if you would just go somewhere else. Most payday loan companies aren't worried about checking your credit. Usually, people are able to borrow an amount of money based on the amount of money they make in their paychecks. These are not big loans, so you don't need to be making a fortune to qualify for them. You do need to be old enough, though. In some states it's eighteen, but a lot of places want you to be twenty-one. You also need to have worked at your job for at least six months for most of the bigger companies. For some of them, three months on the same job is good enough.
Nowhere in any of that do they ask what your credit looks like. You might need to provide banking information and references, though. The best thing about these companies is that you can access them through the Internet at any time of the day or night and usually get your money within one day. That will let you pay that bill before it's overdue or take your child to the doctor or get your car back from the mechanic without having to wait until payday, and that can be a great feeling. You can get it all without a credit check from a convenient payday loan company.

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